Have you been self-conscious about cutting men’s hair, specifically when it’s curly? Don’t worry! We can help.
Take a look below at some of our best tips for cutting curly hair. They will give you confidence the next time a man with curly hair walks into your barber shop.
1. Pay Attention to Their Curl Pattern
Knowing the curl pattern of your client’s hair will help you direct them to the right length and style best suited for them. Many people assume that going short is the best route for curly or wavy hair. However, not all curls are the same!
It’s best to work with the curl instead of trying to change it or force it into a style that’s just not meant for it. However, your client may not even realize their curl pattern or the possibilities because they’ve been scared of it becoming unmanageable. If they have been cutting it extremely short most of their life, this is probably true for them.
By letting the curls grow out a little and leaving length with the cut, you are allowing them to reach their full potential. Cutting off a curl halfway through its spiral can cause it to stick out in odd ways.
Assure your client that their hair won’t be completely unmanageable if they decide to do more than the buzz cut they’ve been comfortable with. Put the right products in their hands to mitigate frizz and ease their fears.
2. Cut Curly Hair Dry to See How It Will Lie
You can cut curly hair wet or dry and see good results. However, if you choose to perform a dry cut, you will see the results directly as you go along. This is especially beneficial if you’re working with a new client whose hair you’re not as familiar with.
If you do choose to cut it wet, remember to leave adequate length as it will bunch back up to its natural curly state as it dries. You can also use the twist method to take out more weight.
3. Always Wash and Dry Their Hair First
Whether you’re cutting your client’s hair wet or dry, you still need to wash it first. This will remove all the oils and products that could be in their hair disguising their natural curls.
4. Consider Your Client’s Face Shape
Different lengths and volumes will suit certain face shapes best. Round faces, for instance, look great with a middle part and volume at their crown. This exposes more of their forehead and elongates their face.
Taking a good look at your client’s face from the side will give you the best idea. It can help you judge what will give them the most attractive profile.
Final Curly Hair Cutting Tips
When your next male client that has curly hair sits down in your chair, find out what he wants his hair to look like. Another important factor is how much time he is willing to spend on managing his curls and hairstyle. If you’re interested in learning more, take a look at our Class A Barber program!