We know that people are looking to cut costs where they can as inflation rates have hit the highest they’ve been in forty years. Therefore, it’s no wonder you may be searching for an answer to the question “how much is a men’s haircut.”
A few things to keep in mind are your location, the salon, and what kind of hairstyle you’re looking for. Follow along to find out how much to expect to pay and tip your barber or hairdresser.
How Much Is a Men’s Haircut?
You can’t base how much a man is going to pay for a haircut off of how much a woman pays, as women’s haircuts will, in most cases, be more expensive. If you’re a man paying more than your significant other or sister or friend who is a woman, you should think about switching.
While prices may vary from state to state, you should expect to pay anywhere from twenty to one hundred dollars. The top end of the range is represented by states such as…
- New York
- Washington
- Texas
- Tennessee
Holding up the lower end of the range are states such as…
- Wisconsin
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Idaho
- Kansas
- New Jersey
Even though some of the former states represent the more costly cuts, some of them also have the lowest prices you can find. A man should be able to find somewhere in all of those states where he can pay around twenty dollars.
The most important cost factor, however, is the salon or barber shop itself. Higher-end shops exist in every state, and if you’re looking to lower the cost of your haircut, you have to research the more economical salons in your area.
There is a direct correlation between the experience of the hairdresser or barber and the amount that they are charging. At a certain point, around forty dollars, you expect a good haircut because their schooling and years of practice dictate that higher amount.
The kind of hairstyle you choose is another thing to take into consideration when deciding how much you want to pay. Fades, faux hawks, hard parts, or undercuts are going to demand more skill than a simple buzz cut. Those are going to cost more because of the needed experience.
It’s fairly customary to tip twenty percent in the United States. You really shouldn’t go below fifteen percent unless you feel like they’ve done a poor job or didn’t listen to your requests.
That means a twenty-dollar haircut is, in reality, twenty-four dollars. When you find someone whose work you like, it’s important to tip them accordingly and maintain a good relationship that way.
Choose Your Price
As long as your budget allows for around twenty-five dollars, you should be able to get a decent haircut. Remember to keep in mind what style you want. You can always call to ask for specifics and what a particular barber or stylist charges.
We hope this answered the question, “How much is a men’s haircut.” Check out our blog on how often you should be visiting the barber shop to get a better idea on how you should budget accordingly.