If you have recently finished school, you may be wondering about what career path to take. It seems that there are a lot of high-paying jobs out there but that they require you to relocate far away from home to work at these exclusive jobs. You have to invest $100,000 or more for a college degree that may become obsolete as the marketplace changes. Furthermore, while you are attending college, unprofessional jobs in the area are hard to obtain on a full-time basis.
When you consider how impractical it is to follow the typical academic college route to become an engineer, teacher, or physical therapist, for example, it pays to diversify your talents. By attending a barber school in Texas, you automatically become a problem solver. And solving problems is how people make money.
Barbershops will never be outsourced overseas or gobbled up by the internet dot-coms like so many other trades and businesses. The liability and capital needed to work as a professional barber are very low and make sense for someone who graduates from school and doesn’t have a rich family to support them.
The barber instructor at the Texas barber education course can train you quickly and put you to work on cutting men’s hair. This makes barber school an excellent investment for anyone because you get a rapid return on their time and money. And because most men have their hair exclusively cut using electric shavers, it is a lot easier than working as a feminine hairstylist.
What Does it Take to Become a Barber?
In order to reach the status of a class A barber in Texas, the barber must have 1,500 hours of instruction from a barber instructor and must pass a written exam. You must also pass a criminal background check. When you consider that the average workweek is 40 hours, it is easy to see how educating yourself as a barber in this same timeframe can lead to a license in just over three months.
This makes barber education and a class A barber valuable tools as you climb up the socio-economic ladder. The average barber salary is just over $30,000 in Texas and can reach nearly $40,000 a year. That is more than double of what you would earn working full-time at minimum wage in Texas and help you to dodge all those low-paying part-time retain jobs even if you do decide to pursue additional college education degrees.
What Hair Styling Jobs Are Available for Women?
Although men and women can find themselves working as professional stylists who can handle the cosmetic needs of both men and women, many more women prefer to seek cosmetology licenses. A cosmetology operator cuts, styles, dyes, perms, shampoos, dries, and curls hair. They may also offer manicures and pedicures.
Obtaining a license as a cosmetology operator ensures steady income wherever you move to and allows you the independence to open your own professional salon. Many of these salons pop up in strip malls, Walmarts, and even as home businesses. All it takes is for you to outdo your competitors by accentuating the beauty of customers to draw them away from their other stylists with a higher quality of work.
What Are Additional Benefits of Being a Barber or Stylist?
A barber can land you work all over the world. Even if you decide to travel the world as a volunteer or a digital nomad, you can get right to work and fill a necessary void. Furthermore, barbers are trained in sanitation methods and have many of the experiences with live customers to qualify them for assistant positions in any healthcare field. Although additional education and certifications may be required, patients do need to be shaved before surgeries, a skill that barbers learn with a flat-blade razor to gently shave beards and shape-up hairlines.
Most barbers enjoy their careers because of
What Tools Do You Need to Become a Barber?
A barber requires very little investment to advance themselves in their profession. A sharp pair of scissors and quality hair shears are all that are needed. They also require a glass of disinfectant and combs to keep things sanitary. A flat-blade razor and sharpener are other tools of the trade.
Beyond this, a barber only requires an apron to catch the hair and paper to secure the collar. The classic barber pole with the red and white stripes is a bonus to attract customers. An adjustable, revolving, and pivoting chair can also help them to put their customers at ease and lower fatigue by dialing in just the right positions.
Becoming a barber is an easy way to double your income and pull yourself out of minimum wage part-time jobs that most high school graduates rely on until they earn a degree. It makes sense to take this first step up the ladder in your education after high school if you don’t have a full college scholarship and good employment lined up